I'd like to start this blog off by offering much respect to all the dedicated craft bloggers out there. It takes curiosity, inspiration and determination to craft, but it takes a lot more creativity, courage, and dedication to keep writing about it after the projects are finished.
To those who've been doing it for years, I salute you! Here's hoping I can keep up the tradition :)
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Most of my posts are going to focus on the work I'm doing for my little design start-up,
Presque Isle, but don't be surprised if I dedicate quite a few of my posts to the crafting community at large. I'm continually inspired by the incredible creativity of the crafters I discover online, and I'd love to share their work here.
Speaking of inspiration, here's a pair of fingerless gloves I conjured up after a couple days of playing with pattern ideas.
I used alternating rows of front-stitching and back-stitching for the cabled look of the glove itself. Then I combined slip stitches, half double crochet, and double crochet stitches for the scalloped edge where the buttons go.
I hope to offer these gloves in my etsy.com store--as soon as I get the store launched. It's incredible how much work it takes to put a couple hand-worked pieces online. Or maybe it's just the procrastination gene I inherited. Either way, I'm almost there!
Wish me luck! ;)